6 Advantages of Bitcoin Base Currency in easyMarkets

Apr 18, 2023  
Nowadays, most traders choose to deposit using Bitcoin than fiat money. What are the benefits of using Bitcoin? Here, easyMarkets will discuss the pros of Bitcoin base currency in forex brokers.

The topic of cryptocurrencies has been one of the most popular topics of discussion in the market over the past few years. Bitcoin, in particular, has emerged as the most valuable digital currency, and it is traded the most often. Its reputation in the industry, coupled with its extensive user base, makes it a popular option for those looking to invest in cryptocurrencies. One of the most vigorous and lucrative activities available to investors is using Bitcoin as a digital currency.

In this article, we will discuss the six advantages of Bitcoin as a base currency in easyMarkets. This broker uses the term "μBTC" to describe their Bitcoin-based account. It represents microbitcoin which is the smallest denomination of a Bitcoin and is equal to 0.000001 BTC.


1. Low Deposit

One of the advantages of using Bitcoin for deposit is that it typically requires a much lower minimum deposit. For example, easyMarkets allows traders to start with as little as $25 through its Standard account. This low barrier to entry has made Bitcoin base currency accessible to a wider range of people, including those who may not have had the opportunity to participate in forex trading before.


2. No Fee

Bitcoin transactions typically involve much lower fees than traditional currencies, as no intermediary banks or financial institutions are involved. This has contributed to the popularity of Bitcoin, as traders can keep more of their profits and avoid paying high fees to brokers. Forex brokers that offer Bitcoin base currency should also offer low-cost brokerage services to make the trading experience more affordable and accessible for their clients.

In easyMarkets, you can enjoy the service without fee when you open a μBTC account. They charge absolutely zero fees for deposits and withdrawals using Bitcoin.


3. Fast and Simple

easyMarkets don't exchange Bitcoin for fiat currencies, so traders won't have to worry about exchange rates that can fluctuate from time to time. This ultimately makes the deposits and withdrawals much simpler than other conventional methods considering how they usually need the role of a third party or financial institution.

Bypassing the conversion process also means faster transactions. While international bank transfers could take up to 1-3 business days, Bitcoin transactions only need hours or even minutes.


4. Decentralization

Using Bitcoin for deposits and withdrawals means using the currency for digital transactions. As such, traders will also benefit from Bitcoin's inherent benefits, one of which is decentralization.

Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates on a decentralized network, which means it is not controlled by any central authority such as governments or banks. Instead, the Bitcoin network is operated by a network of users worldwide who work together to validate and confirm transactions using a process known as mining. The decentralization of Bitcoin protects from the inflation and interest rates that can affect fiat currencies, which are subject to government control and regulation. This means that the value of Bitcoin is not dependent on the political and economic stability of any one country, making it a more stable and secure form of currency.


5. Anonymity and a Sense of Safety

Bitcoin's decentralized nature means it can be used for anonymous transactions, as no central entity oversees or monitors transactions. This has made it popular among individuals and organizations who value privacy and security in their financial transactions. It also means that individuals can control their money rather than relying on banks or other financial institutions to manage their funds.

Regarding transaction facts and reports, the only information made public by the Bitcoin complex is the Bitcoin wallet address. An address for a Bitcoin wallet is nothing more than a string of numbers and letters; in a nutshell, a wallet address serves as the public identity of a Bitcoin wallet. The presence of a peer-to-peer network and a blockchain allows for the intricate potential of Bitcoin to be fully realized.

As for safety, the underlying blockchain technology ensures the security of Bitcoin transactions. The decentralized and transparent nature of the blockchain makes it resistant to fraud and hacking.


5. International Reach

Using Bitcoin as a base currency in forex brokers offers several benefits, including the absence of international blockage. Due to its decentralized nature and the large user base controlling it, Bitcoin enables seamless international transactions without any restrictions or complications. This means forex traders from anywhere in the world can use Bitcoin to trade forex with any broker worldwide.

To give you an idea, a forex trader from India can easily use Bitcoin to trade forex through any easyMarkets accounts without any barriers. The absence of international blockage with Bitcoin makes it more convenient and straightforward for forex traders to conduct their business without worrying about restrictions.

However, it is essential to note that crypto regulatory regulations and procedures in different countries could affect the use of Bitcoin in forex trading. Despite this, the benefits of Bitcoin as a base currency in forex brokers remain significant, especially in facilitating international transactions.


Not only is it beneficial for Bitcoin users, easyMarkets also allows you to cancel losing trades so that your losses do not get bigger through its DealCancellation feature.



Apr 22 2023

I noticed that EasyMarket offer a leverage of 1:400. That is quiet high meanwhile the other may provide lower leverage as 1:30. As someone who is relatively new to trading, I'm not entirely sure what this means. Could you please explain what leverage is in trading and how it applies to trading cryptocurrencies specifically?

Additionally, I'm wondering if there are any particular risks associated with using such high leverage. I understand that leverage can amplify both profits and losses in a trade, so I want to make sure that I fully understand the risks involved before getting involved with cryptocurrency trading using high leverage. Are there any specific precautions that traders should take when using a leverage of 1:400, and how can traders manage their risks effectively while using this level of leverage?

I appreciate any insights you can provide on this topic, as I want to make sure that I'm making informed decisions when it comes to trading cryptocurrencies with leverage.


Apr 22 2023

Mate, leverage in trading refers to using borrowed funds from a broker to trade with a larger position size. Basically, it allows you to trade with more money than you actually have in your account. In EasyMarket crypto trading, they offer a pretty high leverage of 1:400, which means you can trade up to 400 times the amount of your deposit.

But, using high leverage can be risky, especially for new traders. When it comes to crypto trading, leverage can amplify your profits or losses. So, while you can potentially make big gains, you can also lose a lot of money quickly if the market moves against you. That's why it's important to manage your risks by setting stop-loss orders and ensuring you have enough funds in your account to cover potential losses. (read about the risk of high leverage at here : Pros And Cons of High Leverage in Forex Trading )

Overall, using leverage of 1:400 can be a powerful tool for crypto traders, but it's important to understand the potential risks and take steps to manage those risks effectively.


Apr 24 2023

To clarify, the leverage offered by EasyMarket may vary depending on the asset being traded. However, it's worth noting that the leverage offered for Bitcoin trading is often higher than that offered for other cryptocurrencies. This could be because Bitcoin is the most well-known and widely traded cryptocurrency, with a larger market and higher trading volume than other cryptocurrencies. Brokers may view Bitcoin trading as less risky due to its higher liquidity and larger market size, and therefore offer higher leverage for Bitcoin trading compared to other cryptocurrencies.


Apr 23 2023

Hey mate, I'm new to trading and I've heard about EasyMarket offering Bitcoin CFD trading. I'm interested in trying it out, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea for a beginner like me. Can you give me some insights on whether trading Bitcoin CFDs with EasyMarket is a good option for beginners? Are there any particular risks that I should be aware of, and how can I manage those risks effectively? Also, what kind of support does EasyMarket offer for new traders like myself who are just starting out in the world of cryptocurrency trading? Cheers.


Apr 24 2023

Hey there! If you're new to trading, it's important to approach Bitcoin CFD trading with caution. While trading Bitcoin with EasyMarket may seem like a good opportunity to make some quick profits, it can also be quite risky. The value of Bitcoin can be quite volatile, which means that your profits can disappear just as quickly as they appeared.

That being said, if you're interested in trading Bitcoin, EasyMarket can be a good option for beginners. They offer a user-friendly trading platform and a range of educational resources to help you get started. Additionally, their 1:400 leverage on Bitcoin trades can potentially increase your profits, but keep in mind that it also increases your risk.

To manage your risk effectively, it's important to start with a small investment and set stop-loss orders to limit your losses. It's also a good idea to do your own research and stay up-to-date on the latest market news and trends.


Apr 26 2023

Can you explain how Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, enables forex traders from anywhere in the world to conduct business with any broker worldwide, regardless of geographic or political barriers? Additionally, what specific benefits does this offer traders in terms of convenience and accessibility, such as faster transaction times, lower fees, and greater flexibility in managing their funds? Furthermore, how does the absence of intermediaries in Bitcoin transactions, compared to traditional currency, improve security and reduce the risk of fraud or hacking for forex traders? Finally, what kind of challenges or limitations might traders face when using Bitcoin in forex trading, such as potential regulatory issues or fluctuations in Bitcoin's value?


Apr 26 2023

Hey there! Bitcoin is this digital currency that works on a global network of computers. It's not controlled by any one person or authority, which means anyone from anywhere can use it to do business with any broker worldwide. It's pretty cool because you don't need any traditional banking systems or middlemen getting in the way. Plus, transactions are super quick and the fees are lower than with traditional currency. And because there aren't any middlemen involved, it's more secure and less likely to get hacked.

But, there are a couple of downsides to using Bitcoin for forex trading. For one thing, it's not regulated everywhere yet, so some countries might not let you use it or might have different rules about it. And the value of Bitcoin can go up and down real fast, which can be a big risk. But overall, lots of traders think it's worth it because the benefits are pretty sweet.


Apr 27 2023

I have another opinion but with the same answer. I mean, the article cleary stated about blockchain and it is really have connection to your question! The blockchain itself is a decentralized system, which means it's not controlled by any single person or authority. Instead, it's run by a network of users who work together to keep the system running.

Because Bitcoin is decentralized, anyone can use it to do business with any broker worldwide, without the need for intermediaries or traditional banking systems. This means that there are no restrictions on where or how Bitcoin can be used, as long as the other party accepts it as a form of payment.

This is a big advantage for forex traders, as it allows them to conduct business with brokers anywhere in the world, without having to worry about geographic or political barriers. It also means that transactions can be processed quickly and at a lower cost than with traditional currency, which can be a big advantage in the fast-paced world of forex trading.


Apr 28 2023

Hey there! I've been hearing a lot about Bitcoin lately and I'm curious about how it works. I read in this article that the only information made public by the Bitcoin complex is the Bitcoin wallet address. That sounds pretty complex to me! And the article also said about the safety in Bitcoin wallet address really safe. Just being curious here, so, I want to ask anybodu at here, could you explain why this makes Bitcoin complex, and also how safe it is? I'm worried about security when it comes to digital currencies.


Apr 28 2023

Hey! Let me explain to you! The fact that the only information made public by the Bitcoin complex is the Bitcoin wallet address is a key feature of the system that contributes to its complexity and security.

To understand why, it's important to know that a Bitcoin wallet address is a unique string of characters that identifies a specific Bitcoin wallet. When someone wants to send Bitcoin to a particular wallet, they use that wallet's address to do so. This address is the only information that is made public by the Bitcoin complex, which means that the transaction itself is private.

This privacy is achieved through a combination of encryption and decentralization. When a transaction is made, it is encrypted using complex algorithms that ensure the security of the transaction. Additionally, because the Bitcoin network is decentralized, there is no central authority that can access or control the data in the network, which makes it much more difficult for hackers or fraudsters to steal or manipulate transactions.


May 17 2023

I've been hearing a lot about bitcoin lately, and it's got me intrigued. the article also said about bitcoin is highly volatile and I also read in the other article that also considered the "digital gold" of the cryptocurrency world. It's being used left and right for various purposes, and it's gaining popularity like crazy. But here's the burning question: why does bitcoin seem to be more stable compared to other crypto assets? I mean, we've got all these different cryptocurrencies out there, but it looks like bitcoin is the one that's making the big bucks. How did it achieve such widespread acceptance and become the go-to digital currency? And what's the secret sauce behind its success that other cryptocurrencies haven't quite cracked? Spill all the juicy details, because I'm dying to know!


Apr 20 2023

Bitcoin's stability and widespread adoption can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, as the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin holds a pioneering status that has earned it recognition and trust from investors and users alike. Secondly, its decentralized nature, enabled by the blockchain technology, ensures that it operates independently of any central authority, such as governments or banks. This decentralization contributes to its resilience and ability to withstand external influences.

Additionally, Bitcoin's limited supply, with a maximum of 21 million coins, creates scarcity, which in turn can contribute to its value and perceived stability. As demand for Bitcoin continues to grow, the limited supply can drive its price higher. Moreover, the increasing acceptance of Bitcoin as a form of payment by various merchants, businesses, and even institutional investors has further solidified its position as a valuable digital asset.


May 19 2023

It's indeed true that the widespread acceptance of Bitcoin has resulted in brokers offering higher leverage options for trading this cryptocurrency compared to others. With Bitcoin's reputation for volatile price movements and the potential for substantial gains or losses within a short timeframe, it has become particularly appealing to traders who are seeking opportunities to maximize their trading positions through higher leverage.

By providing higher leverage, traders can gain greater control over larger positions using a smaller amount of capital, which can potentially lead to increased profits if the market moves in their favor. It's a strategic move by easyMarkets to incorporate Bitcoin as a base currency in their trading offerings. This advancement opens up new possibilities and opportunities for traders who wish to utilize Bitcoin's unique characteristics and potential for market gains.

Having Bitcoin as a base currency not only demonstrates easyMarkets' recognition of the growing importance and popularity of cryptocurrencies, but it also provides traders with more flexibility and options in their trading strategies. It's an exciting development that aligns with the evolving landscape of digital assets and showcases easyMarkets' commitment to offering innovative solutions to their clients.


May 17 2023

It's pretty cool that easymarkets offers bitcoin as a base currency in their account. It adds diversity and gives us more payment options to consider. It seems like we can even use bitcoin for forex trading. But, before diving into the world of bitcoin, I can't help but have some doubts about its safety. You see, bitcoin is a decentralized currency that operates on a network without a central authority like governments or banks. So, how can we be sure that our money is safe from theft and fraud without the backing of a central authority like a bank? On the flip side, what are the benefits of using a decentralized currency like bitcoin for us?


May 17 2023

When it comes to using bitcoin, some folks might have concerns about safety. I mean, we're talking about a digital currency that operates on a decentralized network. No big banks or government control here! So, how can we be sure our hard-earned money is safe from sneaky thieves and shady fraudsters? Well, the thing is, bitcoin's security is built on some pretty nifty technology called blockchain. This fancy-schmancy system keeps a record of every single bitcoin transaction ever made, making it super tough for anyone to mess with the system.

Now, let's talk about the benefits of this whole decentralization thing. By cutting out the middleman (those big banks and governments), we're taking back control of our money, you know? We're not relying on some big-shot authority to keep our funds secure. Plus, using a decentralized currency like bitcoin can give us more privacy and freedom in our transactions. No prying eyes, no pesky restrictions. It's like being the boss of our own financial destiny! You can read more about decentralized forex in here : Everything you Need to know about decentralized Forex Trading

But hey, remember, with great power comes great responsibility. It's important to educate ourselves about how bitcoin works, stay vigilant against scams, and take necessary precautions to protect our digital wallets. So, while bitcoin may have its quirks, it's definitely an exciting and alternative way to engage in the world of finance!

Jeremy Juan

Jun 6 2023

If my country were to ban cryptocurrencies, what options or alternatives should I consider for forex trading? I've learned that using Bitcoin as a base currency in forex trading can offer several benefits, including ease of use and bypassing international blockages. However, considering the potential impact of crypto regulatory regulations in different countries, I'm curious about the steps I should take if cryptocurrencies were no longer accessible for forex trading in my country. Are there alternative digital currencies or payment methods that can provide similar advantages in terms of facilitating international transactions and avoiding restrictions? Additionally, what are some other strategies or approaches I can explore to continue forex trading effectively despite the absence of cryptocurrencies?


Jun 8 2023

When it comes to trading Bitcoin, you gotta love those lower fees without any pesky banks or financial institutions getting in the way. But hey, I'm curious, who's really calling the shots in the world of Bitcoin trading? Are there any cool institutes or organizations that keep an eye on things and make sure everything's running smoothly?

I mean, are there any regulatory bodies or industry associations that keep the cryptocurrency exchanges in check and make sure we're all playing fair? It'd be awesome to know more about the behind-the-scenes action and who's keeping the crypto trading game on the straight and narrow.


Jun 15 2023

@Hayashi: When it comes to Bitcoin trading, it's a whole different ball game, my friend. We're talking about a decentralized world here, where there's no big boss calling the shots. It's all about that sweet freedom from banks and institutions.

Now, while there's no one specific regulatory body for Bitcoin, that doesn't mean it's the wild wild west out there. Different countries have their own financial regulators that keep an eye on cryptocurrency exchanges and activities. In the U.S., you've got the SEC and the CFTC making sure things don't go too crazy.

But hey, it's not just about the regulators. We've also got industry associations and self-regulatory groups that set standards and promote good practices in the crypto world. Think of them as the cool kids in the neighborhood, trying to keep everyone playing fair.


Jun 23 2023

Why does the amount of leverage you can get in Forex trading depend on where you live? So, here's the deal: Forex brokers, like easyMarkets, offer these sweet high-leverage options for trading Bitcoin. It's like having the potential to earn way more than what you put in, you know? But here's the catch, my friend: the amount of leverage you can get may vary depending on where you're located. So, what's the deal with that? What's the scoop on how regulations and local financial authorities come into play and affect those leverage ratios? And hey, when you're choosing a Forex broker, how do you consider the available leverage options in your specific location? Let's dig into the nitty-gritty and find out why leverage is a location-dependent thing!


Jun 27 2023

@Jerome: Hey there! I hear you, leverage can be quite attractive for traders looking to maximize their potential gains. The reason the amount of leverage you can get in Forex trading depends on your location has to do with regulations and local financial authorities.

Different countries have their own rules and restrictions when it comes to leverage in Forex trading. These regulations are put in place to protect traders and ensure the stability of the financial markets. The specific leverage ratios allowed can vary widely from one jurisdiction to another.

Financial authorities set limits on leverage to prevent excessive risk-taking and protect inexperienced traders from potential losses. Higher leverage ratios can amplify both profits and losses, making it a double-edged sword.

When choosing a Forex broker, it's important to consider the available leverage options in your specific location. You want to ensure that the broker you choose operates within the legal framework of your country and complies with the regulations set by the local financial authorities. This will help you trade in a secure and regulated environment.

So, remember to do your research, check the regulations in your location, and choose a reputable broker that offers leverage options within the limits imposed by your local financial authorities. Happy trading!


Established : 2001
Location :
Regulation :
Min Deposit : $25
Leverage : 1:400


Jan 31 2022

Account Number: (342156xxx)

In the beginning EasyMarkets was a good broker, I almost never had any issues with them. But things has since going south and I have found myself getting disapointed over and over again. I recently made a fortune of around 5000 GBP, and I want to withdraw. But they keep making it hard. It's almost like they don't want me getting my own money. Lately I found that this company was formarly named Easy Forex or something, and have bad...


Jan 11 2022

Freeze Rate in EasyMarkets seems like a promising tool, since it gives you more time to execute trades. Is available on all platforms?


Dec 31 2021

I have known easyMarket for quite a while, and I have been tempted to switch to this broker.Today I just find out they have a pro account in addition to the regular one. I wonder what are the benefits I can get from a pro account?...


Dec 17 2021

I just want to say that I really like their customer support service, really good and understanding. EasyMarkets' system is really easy to understand and great for beginners.


Dec 8 2021

This is actually a good broker, but sometimes they took too long to close positions (about 10 to 15 seconds). That might be something to consider especially for scalpers.

Established : 2009
Location :
Regulation :
Min Deposit : $200
Leverage : 1:500

Dirk W

Jun 21 2021

This company is usually chosen because it has a pretty big story. But there are other features that can attract attention. I can point out that this is a good environment for large capitals. If we talk about other account options, there's nothing special about it....

Achmad Zaenuri

Jul 24 2020

VantageFX broker is cool. From the appearance, I like it. The facilities are extensive and he is a regulated Australian broker that can be accessed. It's just a shame there is no Indonesian support

Alfredo Himam

Jul 24 2020

Compared to other brokers from Australia and already regulated (Pepperstone, Thinkforex, IC Markets) Vantage FX is less well known. Even though the offer is competitive and has complete service.

Edward Hallen

Jul 24 2020

VantageFX is quite a number of free tools. can be installed on the platform too.

Zachira Elbe

Jul 24 2020

Nearly 2 years I use Vantage FX and recently I realized, a Vantage FX demo account has the same price feed as a live account. So, there is almost no difference between the two accounts. In addition, the MetaTrader 4 Vantage FX platform has a variety of services.
easyMarkets Comparison
easyMarkets Vantage Markets
Established 2001 2009
Min Deposit $25 $200
Max Leverage 1:400 1:500
Website Visit Visit

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