XM extends its warm greetings at the end of this year by reaching out to the dog shelter in Cyprus.

Well-known for its dedication to delivering superior services in currency trading, along with CFDs, equity indices, precious metals, and energies, XM broker provided funding for puppy food purchases at the Sirius Dog Sanctuary in Cyprus. The company's volunteers had the chance to spend the day at the shelter playing with dogs and assisting with feeding and walking them.

More than 170 stray dogs live at Sirius Dog Sanctuary. It is operated by a group of volunteers independently from the government's assistance and only receives donations for reasonable necessities. Food warnings frequently emerge on the sanctuary's social media accounts because feeding and caring for so many dogs, including pups and those with special needs, cost an arm and a leg.

The necessity to provide for animal shelters and animal rescue organizations is a constant struggle. Every day in Cyprus, shelters become the new home for abandoned dogs and kittens. The health and well-being of stray animals are in jeopardy, and many of them require expensive medical treatment or specific care.


For many years, XM has supported Sirius Dog Sanctuary. As a supporter of animal shelters, XM holds the responsibility to care for the animals who are in foster care while also working to keep as many animals as they can off the streets and safe.

This is a warm-hearted call for animal lovers to be their distant fur caretakers or fur parents. It is plain to see that these cats and dogs will be very happy to greet their helpers and new parents. 

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