Why is It Important to Be Disciplined Trader?

Dec 15, 2013  
Self-discipline is the most valuable weapon in the forex market, even more than the so-called profitable system or a perfect indicator. How so?

Trading is a complex and challenging activity that requires a high level of discipline. To be successful, traders need to be able to control their emotions, make sound trading decisions, and manage their risk effectively.

One of the most important aspects of trading is discipline. Discipline is sticking to your trading plan, even when things are not going your way. The ability to control your emotions, such as greed and fear, can cloud your judgment and lead to poor trading decisions. Discipline is important in trading because it helps you make sound trading decisions, manage your risk effectively, and stay in the game.

Without discipline, it isn't easy to be successful in trading. Even if you have a good trading plan and understand the market, you will still make mistakes if you do not have the discipline to stick to your plan and control your emotions.

This article will discuss why discipline is important in trading and how to develop discipline as a trader.

Why is Discipline Important in Trading?

There are many reasons why discipline is important in trading. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Discipline helps you to make sound trading decisions. When you are disciplined, you are less likely to make emotional trading decisions. This is because you can stay focused on your trading plan and avoid letting your emotions cloud your judgment.

  • Discipline helps you to manage your risk effectively. When you are disciplined, you are less likely to take on too much risk. This is because you can stick to your trading plan and avoid making impulsive trading decisions.

  • Discipline helps you to stay in the game. Trading can be very challenging, and it is easy to get discouraged when you experience losses. However, if disciplined, you will be more likely to stay in the game and eventually succeed.


How Do You Become a Disciplined Trader?

Disciplined traders can control their emotions and make trading decisions based on their trading plan rather than their emotions. They can stick to their trading plan even when the market is against them and take losses without letting them affect their trading.

Being a disciplined trader is essential for success in trading. If you can control your emotions and stick to your trading plan, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful trader.

Traits you need to have to become a disciplined trader:

  • Has a trading plan and sticks to it. This means knowing their trading style, risk tolerance, and entry and exit points. It also means having a plan for how they will manage their emotions and how they will respond to losses.

  • Practices risk management. This means only risking a small percentage of their trading capital on any trade. It also means having a stop-loss in place to limit their losses.

  • Patient. Trading is a long-term game. Don't expect to become rich overnight. Be patient and let your trading plan work over time.

  • Learned from their mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes in trading. It is important to learn from them and not make the same mistakes twice.

  • Stays disciplined. This is probably the most important tip of all. Trading can be a very emotional game. It's important to stay disciplined and stick to your trading plan, even when things go wrong.


The Benefit of Being a Disciplined Trader

Other than that, there are many benefits to becoming a disciplined trader. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Increased profits. Disciplined traders are likelier to profit because they are less likely to make emotional trading decisions. They are also more likely to stick to their trading plan, which can help them to avoid making costly mistakes.

  • Reduced stress. Trading can be very stressful, especially if you are not disciplined. However, disciplined traders can manage their emotions more effectively, which can help them to reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Increased confidence. You will gain more confidence in your trading abilities as you become more disciplined. This will help you to make better trading decisions and to stick to your trading plan even when the market is going against you.

  • Improved trading performance. Disciplined traders are more likely to have a long-term trading career because they are more likely to be profitable. This is because they can manage their emotions, reduce stress, and improve their confidence.

You must develop discipline if you are serious about becoming a successful trader. Many resources are available to help you learn how to become a disciplined trader. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your trading goals.


Why Shouldn't You Become an Undisciplined Trader?

There are many reasons why you shouldn't become an undisciplined trader. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Undisciplined traders are more likely to make emotional trading decisions. This can lead to costly mistakes, such as chasing losses or trading too much.
  • Undisciplined traders are more likely to give up easily. Trading is a long-term game; sticking with it through the ups and downs takes discipline.
  • Undisciplined traders are more likely to lose money. This is because they are likelier to make mistakes and take too much risk.



So, try to review yourself. Which one describes you best?

Being a disciplined trader could mean consistent profit for you. You must be a disciplined trader first to be a successful trader because no successful trader is born from an undisciplined trader.

It doesn't mean you are a failure if you think you aren't disciplined yet. There's no word too late to change yourself, right!? Right now is the result of your past, while you in the future is the result of what you are doing now. Change yourself now, and enjoy the result in the future. 


Jimmy Novak

Mar 1 2014

I want to ask about trading psychology issues. Last week I was successfully disciplined in running my trading system. But this week everything was ruined just because I broke my trading plan once. How do you practice discipline? I really have a hard to practice it.

Daniel Robson

Mar 7 2014

Breaking the plan means you trade outside the plan? If this is the case, I think you should return to trading as planned, and run with discipline. Whatever will be. The goal of trading is to make consistent profits over a certain period of time. For example, in a month you can get a profit of 5%, or 2 months you can get a profit of 10% and so on. It's not that you immediately get a lot of profit, it is called gambling not trading. As has been proven a lot, gambling cannot generate consistent profit (after playing gambling many times). In fact, the end result is often loss. Unless you win a lot, you stop playing gambling.

Ashley Madison

May 3 2014

All you mention above is right. Ironically, sometimes newbie traders don't recognize signs himself were undisciplined trader.