konversi_timezone(23 Mar 2023 0:05, America/New_York, 'full date') Shanghai Upgrade: How It Impacts Ethereum's Price and Stakers

Shanghai Upgrade: How It Impacts Ethereum's Price and Stakers

Mar 23, 2023  
From efficiency to security improvements, Shanghai Upgrade is expected to have an impact on Ethereum's price. Is it for the worse or the better?

The Shanghai Upgrade is one of the Ethereum network updates related to withdrawing ETH that validators have staked on the Beacon Chain. Previously, withdrawing ETH was complex and time-consuming for stakers. With the Shanghai Upgrade, the process is expected to become simpler and faster.

Many have wondered about the impact of the Shanghai Upgrade on the price of Ethereum. There are different opinions on this matter. Some side believes that the price of Ethereum is likely to decrease, while others think the opposite.

Therefore, this article will discuss the ins and outs of the Shanghai Upgrade and its impact on the price of Ethereum.


What is Included in the Shanghai Upgrade?

The Shanghai Upgrade is a Hard Fork and the first significant protocol upgrade for Ethereum since The Merge last year. The network upgrade is scheduled for March 2023 to allow stakers and validators withdrawing their staked ETH from the Beacon Chain.

This upgrade is part of the road to Ethereum 2.0, which will eventually replace the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus system with Proof-of-Stake (PoS). The Shanghai Upgrade is expected to bring scalability, efficiency, and security improvements.

One of the most significant changes brought by the Shanghai Upgrade is the parameters in the Ethereum PoS system. This change will speed up the block validation and allow more validators to participate in the Ethereum network. In addition, the Shanghai Upgrade will also fix some technical issues, improve the system's security, and lower gas fees for Ethereum developers.

In general, the changes included in the Shanghai Upgrade are:

  • EIP-3651: COINBASE Warm-up
  • EIP-3855: PUSH0 Instruction
  • EIP-3860: Code Size Limits and Metering
  • EIP-4895: Beacon Chain Withdrawals as Operations
  • EIP-6049: SELFDESTRUCT Deprecation

However, it should be noted that the Shanghai Upgrade omits EIP-4844, which would allow Ethereum blockchain scaling through sharding. Sharding is a scalability solution that divides the entire blockchain network into several smaller networks (shards).


Why is the Shanghai Upgrade Implemented Now?

Ethereum started to transition from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) in The Merge event back in September 2022. This change requires the network to rely on validators rather than mining to run it. To become an Ethereum validator, participants must stake 32 ETH, and the staked value will remain locked until the next update.

Validators who have staked ETH will earn rewards for validating blocks since the launch of the Ethereum Beacon Chain. Now, with the Shanghai Upgrade, validators can finally withdraw their rewards.


How Does the Withdrawal Process Work?

When the Shanghai Upgrade is launched, the amount of staked ETH available for withdrawal is around 16 million ETH. However, there will be a waiting period for validators to access their assets, as there is only one queue for complete withdrawals on the blockchain. In fact, one slot that occurs every 12 seconds only allows 16 partial withdrawals.

Validators have two options to retrieve their staked ETH. First, they can create a withdrawal credential to retrieve their accumulated staking reward over the years. Or, they can exit the Beacon Chain by retrieving their entire 32 ETH, which is the maximum limit per validator.

As of this writing, the withdrawal of staked ETH has been successfully simulated on the Zhejiang testnet. After Zhejiang, the testnet will be implemented on Sepolia and Goerli in the coming weeks.

Does the Shanghai Upgrade affect ETH stakers on exchanges? For those who do not stake ETH directly as validators on the Beacon Chain, this event should not affect their ability to withdraw staked ETH on crypto exchanges. However, the Shanghai Upgrade may affect the price of ETH they have locked up.


How Does the Shanghai Upgrade Affect ETH Price?

The Shanghai Upgrade on the Ethereum network has concerned crypto traders. They are watching its potential impact on ETH price and how the market will react. Some crypto traders predict this upgrade could trigger a selling wave as many would look to take profits from their staked ETH. However, some believe that the Shanghai Upgrade will encourage more stakers and increase the price of ETH in the long term.

Around 1 million ETH from locked staking rewards will be available for withdrawal when the Shanghai Upgrade launches. Most of this ETH is likely to be sold, putting the price of Ethereum at risk of plummeting. However, no one can be certain how significant the drop will be or how the market will react to ETH selling. After all, besides network upgrades, many factors such as general market outlook, global economic conditions, and investor sentiment are also in play in ETH price movement.



Although it may trigger a short-term drop in ETH price, the Shanghai Upgrade will improve the entire Ethereum ecosystem in the long run, as it makes the Ethereum network more efficient and scalable.

To minimize risks, traders should remain cautious in making decisions, especially when there are important events such as the launch of the Shanghai Upgrade. Conduct research by considering all factors affecting ETH price before making investment decisions.


If you'd like to build a trading plan for Ethereum, you may need to learn everything about it in Ethereum Trading Strategy: All You Need to Know.

1 Comment

Gianni - Pinax

Apr 1 2024

Now that EIP-4844 is out, its impact on Ethereum's scalability and efficiency is eagerly anticipated. At Pinax, we're excited about how this upgrade could streamline transaction processes and potentially affect the market. How has EIP-4844 met your expectations, and what do you foresee for Ethereum's future with this enhancement? – The Pinax Team

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