Is ETF a Good Investment?

Jul 30, 2022  
An ETF is a good option for institutions and individuals looking for a diverse portfolio with cheaper costs and lower risks. However, it is a complex instrument.

ETF has long been known among investors. However, it remains an obscure item in the eyes of those unfamiliar with financial investment. Unlike the more established stocks and the highly sought-after Cryptocurrencies, ETFs are less attractive for beginners. 

This brings up a question, is it a good idea to invest in ETFs? What are the benefits and downsides of owning an ETF? This article will examine this issue and provide the answer for you.


What is an ETF?

Exchange-traded Funds (ETF) refer to mutual fund products that can be traded in a centralized exchange. Anyone who seeks to invest in ETFs should first understand mutual funds.

A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that is professionally managed by a fund manager and collects money from a number of investors to buy securities. This is a good investment choice for beginners and the elderly who don't have sufficient time and skills to manage their own funds.

For example, you invest in ABCD mutual funds along with thousands of other investors. The fund manager for ABCD mutual funds will invest your money in several well-performed stocks. When the stocks go up and dividends are paid, the profits will go to the funds, which then increase the net asset value (NAV) of ABCD mutual funds. If you cash out afterward, you will gain a proportional profit in accordance with your initial investment. Of course, if you cash out when the mutual funds' NAV is down, you will suffer a proportional loss as well.

If the ABCD is an ETF (instead of a mutual fund), you will be able to buy and sell it in the market. You can buy it directly on the market instead of specifically signing up with your chosen fund manager. You also don't have to wait until ABCD funds' NAV increases to gain profit, because you can sell it earlier when its price goes up in the market. In this scheme, an ETF is similar to a stock.


Is it a good idea to invest in ETFs?

ETFs offer lower investment costs and higher flexibility compared to the good-old mutual funds. On the other hand, ETFs may provide more elaborate portfolio diversification that is more difficult to achieve in a regular stock portfolio.

Regardless of the structure, all managed funds have operating costs. These expenses consist of distribution fees, administrative fees, marketing expenses, custody fees, and fees for portfolio management. Open-end mutual funds may also charge fees for subscriptions, redemption, and so on.

Compared to open-end mutual funds, the costs associated with operating ETFs can be reduced. ETFs also feature lower costs for monthly notifications, statements, and transfers. Traditional open-end fund companies have to send statements to investors regularly. ETFs are an exception. Individual investors purchase and sell individual shares of ETFs through brokerage companies (just like stocks), and the brokerage company is now in charge of looking after those clients (not the ETF providers).


What is the downside of owning an ETF?

An ETF is a good opportunity to own diverse assets at a low cost, without spending lots of time analyzing hundreds of assets in the market. Nevertheless, there are also several drawbacks.

First, ETFs have a spread as opposed to open-end mutual funds that are usually labeled with single pricing. In this regard, ETF trading is very similar to stock and forex trading.

There are two prices for ETFs: a bid and an ask. Investors need to understand the difference between the price they are willing to fork out for shares (the ask) and the possible selling price of a share (bid). The spread on an ETF may widen at any given time, and the share price may not reflect the intraday value of the underlying securities.

Second, you may receive a lower dividend yield compared to directly owning a group of stocks. ETF returns are mainly the result of buy and sell (capital gain) as they rarely distribute generous dividends.


So, is ETF good for you?

An ETF is a good option for institutions and individuals looking for a diverse portfolio with cheaper costs and lower risks. However, it is a complex instrument that requires investors to possess higher levels of understanding and experience.

Think twice before you invest in ETFs. Make sure you have proper knowledge of mutual funds, stocks, and the financial markets before dipping your toe in the water.

1 Comment

Billy Sergeant Junior

Nov 23 2022

As my experience suggests, ETFs are actually a good investment for those who want to make a profit without taking risks.I think ETFs are very easy to invest. If you need the money, you can either invest it and wait for the dividend to be paid, or you can cash it out after the value NAV rises. This system is very suitable for workers who confuse with money. Where they can invest . Sometimes, wasting your investment time just by putting your money in the bank is a big waste. Its rates are never high and fees also highand make that things sometimes unbalanced. So, Banks can no longer be an investment category these days. It's like a place to save money. You can now invest in ETFs that suit your financial situation. You can keep your monthly deposits and eventually get a profit, but the annual profit (8-12% up to the desired risk, as I know, means higher risk, higher price ) is managed by an investment manager with many years of experience in stocks and forex, so there is no fear of losing money. increase.Save money, save profits.