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Demo Account Guide

List of Crypto Exchanges in Gibraltar


Below are the list of crypto exchanges providing service for clients around the globe from Gibraltar. The crypto exchanges are ranked by their cyber security scores, whose measurement is provided by

If you need to find a shorter way of filtering the exchanges, sort the list based on other features such as the year established, fee, margin trading, and fiat deposit.

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Additional FAQ

The tax-free environment essentially catapulted Gibraltar's status as an investor's paradise. Fiscal advantages, including no tax on capital income, are offered to a maximum of 8,464 offshore qualified companies incorporated in Gibraltar. Unfortunately, several reformations and the influence of the European Union on Gibraltar's ruling policies over the years have caused Gibraltar to be slowly demoted from the status as a tax haven country.

Continue Reading at The Regulation of FSC Forex Brokers in Gibraltar

Under the provisions of the Treaty of Rome related to European dependent territories, Gibraltar formally joined the European Economic Community along with the United Kingdom in 1973. By doing so, Gibraltar became an inseparable part of the European Union as a Special Member State territory.

In short, with Gibraltar status as an EU constituent member under the Special Member State Territory in a British Overseas Territory, it is extremely popular among the international business community as a tax haven country.

Continue Reading at The Regulation of FSC Forex Brokers in Gibraltar

Withdrawal issues are the most common problems with brokerage companies. On the other hand, making deposits usually comes smoothly because no one will deny taking your money. That is why it is crucial to check a broker's withdrawal and read the user reviews on that matter before opening an account. 

Continue Reading at eToro Withdrawal: Limit, Fees, and How-to

Below are 5 real cases of scam brokers:

  1. 4XP Broker: FPA declared 4XP as a scam and blacklisted it
  2. SkyFx: After its owner was involved in illegal activities, CySEC no longer regulates SkyFX
  3. Forex-Metal: FPA confirmed the company as a scam after clients complained of withdrawal failure
  4. Masterforex (MFX Broker): Following suspicious investment, IFSC Belize announced that they had revoked MFX's license
  5. IronFX: In 2015, CySEC confirmed the broker for scams, but has not yet revoked its license

Continue Reading at 5 True Stories of Forex Broker Scams