Demo Account Guide
Demo Account Guide

List of Crypto Exchanges in Germany

Below are the list of crypto exchanges providing service for clients around the globe from Germany. The crypto exchanges are ranked by their cyber security scores, whose measurement is provided by

If you need to find a shorter way of filtering the exchanges, sort the list based on other features such as the year established, fee, margin trading, and fiat deposit.

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Exchange Volume Coin Fees Cyber Security Score Established

Additional FAQ

You can make a complaint with the regulatory authorities governing the forex market in your jurisdiction, such as  FCA, ASIC, CFTC, or CySEC.

If you made any payments or transactions through banks or payment processors, inform them about the fraudulent activities. They may be able to provide assistance or initiate an investigation into the scammer's accounts.

Continue Reading at How to Recover from Forex Broker Scams

Forex brokers in the US are expected to have at least $20 million in operational capital. 

Continue Reading at Comparing US and Offshore Forex Brokers

FCA-licensed forex brokers are generally considered trustworthy, because:

  1. The company has fulfilled FCA's minimum capital requirement. A dealer's license that allows the company to run a "market maker" business needs EUR730,000. An intermediary license where the company could facilitate STP execution needs EUR125,000. The cheapest is a restricted broker license in which the company cannot hold client funds, as it only needs EUR50,000.
  2. FCA will monitor the company continuously to ensure the segregation of client funds, monthly report and audit, efficient management including AML and KYC procedures, and proper risk disclosure for clients.
  3. FCA-licensed forex brokers are prohibited from manipulative trade practices, such as entering into positions against their clients. Brokers also should not make unrealistic promises or offering monetary benefits to encourage clients to take risky trading decisions.
  4. FCA-licensed forex brokers should not offer extreme leverage. Since mid-2019, FCA requires brokers to limit leverage on CFD trading between 30:1 and 2:1.

Continue Reading at UK FCA vs ASIC, Which Forex Regulator is More Reliable?

Some brokers offer PayPal because it is considered a trusted e-wallet company with high-quality services and many internet users are already familiar with it. Among those brokers are FxPro and eToro.

Each broker imposes different policies regarding the PayPal service. FxPro for example, would charge the clients a deposit fee of 2.7% and a processing time of at least 10 minutes, whereas for withdrawal, it is free of commission but takes at least 1 working day to process.

Continue Reading at 5 Top E-Payments for Forex Deposit and Withdrawal