Demo Account Guide
Demo Account Guide

List of Crypto Exchanges in Bahamas

Below are the list of crypto exchanges providing service for clients around the globe from Bahamas. The crypto exchanges are ranked by their cyber security scores, whose measurement is provided by

If you need to find a shorter way of filtering the exchanges, sort the list based on other features such as the year established, fee, margin trading, and fiat deposit.

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Exchange Volume Coin Fees Cyber Security Score Established

Additional FAQ

Please note that not all unregulated brokers are bad. There are many reasons why a broker decides to stay unregulated. For instance, some brokers might still be working towards obtaining a license from a regulator. It's worth mentioning that the cost of obtaining a license might be millions, so not all brokers can afford that from the start. Obtaining a license also takes a relatively long process, so the broker may be waiting for its license to be released.

Continue Reading at Do You Have to Trade with Regulated Brokers?

Recovering from a forex broker scam can be a challenging and frustrating experience, but there are steps you can take to seek recourse and mitigate your losses potentially:

  1. Gather evidence: Find proof of how they scam you.
  2. Report to authorities: This includes the police and regulators.
  3. Seek legal advice: Scam is a crime; contact your lawyer.

Continue Reading at How to Recover from Forex Broker Scams

The easiest way to check a broker's registration is to look at the bottom of their website or click the "About Us" button. Regulated brokers are required to include their regulatory information as well as proper risk disclaimers on their websites, so it should be easy to find.

The next step is to double-check the authority that regulates the broker. You just need to visit the website of the governing body and search for the broker's registration number.

Continue Reading at How to Ensure Your Broker is Trustworthy

There are four things we could check to recognize broker scams:

  1. Sensasional ads: They tend to promise a big number, sometimes unrealistic.
  2. Unproven regulations: Check out whether they are regulated and whether their regulations are legit.
  3. Untraceable contact: Find out if they have a legit communication line or real address.
  4. Bad reviews: Look at what people say about them.

Continue Reading at 4 Signs to Recognize Forex Broker Scams