Demo Account Guide
Demo Account Guide

List of Crypto Exchanges in Turkey

Below are the list of crypto exchanges providing service for clients around the globe from Turkey. The crypto exchanges are ranked by their cyber security scores, whose measurement is provided by

If you need to find a shorter way of filtering the exchanges, sort the list based on other features such as the year established, fee, margin trading, and fiat deposit.

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Exchange Volume Coin Fees Cyber Security Score Established

Additional FAQ

The majority of forex brokers are hybrids that provide market maker, STP, and ECN conditions all at once. Even if brokers implement the STP/ECN model, their liquidity providers are still market makers.

Thus, it is not wrong to say that all forex brokers are basically "market makers". Therefore, based on this label, we cannot determine a broker's quality.

Continue Reading at Are Market Maker Brokers Always Bad?

Collect all relevant documents, communications, and transaction records related to the scam. 

Some evidence you can gather are:

  • Screenshot of your trades
  • Communication records
  • Account statements
  • Transaction history
  • Terms and conditions of your broker
  • Testimonials from other traders

Continue Reading at How to Recover from Forex Broker Scams

There are at least three skills that you need to have to avoid scams:

  1. First, you must be able to identify a regulated broker authorized by a trusted regulator. It is essential to check this aspect at the start because if the broker's not regulated to begin with, then there is a higher chance of low-quality services that lead to financial loss.
  2. Second, you should be realistic while scanning through any broker's promotions and bonuses. Scammers tend to over-promising by offering unrealistic deals to get more clients.
  3. Lastly, you need to understand how forex broker scams usually cheat on their clients. You will get to know their characteristics and, therefore, avoid them as best as you can.

Continue Reading at 5 True Stories of Forex Broker Scams

Not only holds a license from local agencies like LFSA, a good broker for Malaysian traders should operate in the country and has a headquarter or at least a branch office there. This is to strengthen their presence in the Malaysian finance industry as well as optimize their service for clients who need offline consultations.

Malaysia is globally known as a Muslim country that has anchored Islam in its constitution as a state religion. Therefore, it is crucial for a forex broker in Malaysia to ensure that their service adheres to Sharia Law. This is usually accommodated into an Islamic or swap free account that eliminates swap rates for overnight positions.

Continue Reading at Top Forex Brokers for Malaysian Traders