Demo Account Guide
Demo Account Guide

List of Crypto Exchanges in Lithuania


Below are the list of crypto exchanges providing service for clients around the globe from Lithuania. The crypto exchanges are ranked by their cyber security scores, whose measurement is provided by

If you need to find a shorter way of filtering the exchanges, sort the list based on other features such as the year established, fee, margin trading, and fiat deposit.

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Exchange Volume Coin Fees Cyber Security Score Established

Additional FAQ

Brokers may manipulate charts for various reasons, although it's important to note that not all brokers engage in such practices, and many operate with integrity. When manipulation of charts does occur, some potential reasons include:

  1. Generate additional fees or profits.
  2. Manage liquidity in the market.
  3.  Brokers operating in unregulated or poorly regulated markets may engage in chart manipulation more frequently because they face fewer consequences

Continue Reading at Can Brokers Manipulate Charts?

Unregulated brokers sometimes mess around with the spreads. They didn't just do this for minor currencies, but sometimes also in major currency trades.

Forex brokers can use many reasons for doing this. They can blame the liquidity provider or a news release for unreasonably widening the spreads.

Continue Reading at 5 Times Forex Brokers Can Be Annoying

The easiest way to check a broker's registration is to look at the bottom of their website or click the "About Us" button. Regulated brokers are required to include their regulatory information as well as proper risk disclaimers on their websites, so it should be easy to find.

The next step is to double-check the authority that regulates the broker. You just need to visit the website of the governing body and search for the broker's registration number.

Continue Reading at How to Ensure Your Broker is Trustworthy

Scam brokers never truly care about their clients because their aim is only to attract as many clients as possible, steal their fortune, and get away with their crimes.

Thus, you need to check the broker's reliability by testing their customer service. You can simply ask them a few questions before registering and see how they respond. If they take too long to answer or are unhelpful, you might want to move to another broker.

Continue Reading at How to Ensure Your Broker is Trustworthy