Zaire Anwar
Dec 7 2021

Is trading at a dealer broker required to lose because you are fighting a dealer? Saxobank and Oanda are big broker, but dealer. Does that mean Saxobank Oanda can move charts whatever they want? If you trade at a dealing broker, is it the same as giving money to the broker for free?

Dec 14 2021

Zaire Anwar: Can Indonesian traders sign up with OANDA under CFTC regulations?

Dec 13 2021

Zaire Anwar: Trading at a dealing broker can still be profitable as long as the strategy and analysis used are really reliable. They are indeed big brokers who have very large market volume and liquidity so they are labeled as "market makers". However, the logic of “market maker” here refers to the real market mover. Why is that? Because those who trade here are mostly big players who once entered might be able to shake the market. That is why the broker is labeled as a “market maker” because the broker has a large volume and liquidity. Trading at a dealing desk broker can still be profitable as long as the strategy and analysis used are really good and the broker used does not commit serious violations.

Dec 15 2021

Noah: You can't. Indonesians will be automatically directed to the Oanda Asia-Pacific region. If you have an American identity/citizenship card, then you can immediately join Oanda US under the CFTC.

Aiden P
Dec 20 2021

Zaire Anwar: What is the difference between OANDA regulations in each area?

Wyatt Grayson
Dec 23 2021

Aiden P: The rules and policies made by regulatory agencies with other regulatory bodies are of course different. Since Oanda has many branch offices (of which each branch must comply with the rules of the local authority), then of course there will be policy differences between Oanda in region A and Oanda in other regions.