

Company Overview

24h Volume

The 24h volume statistics on Bisq signifies how much cryptocurrencies have been traded over the last 24 hours. This information is able to show the direction of currency movements as well as predict future prices and demand, so it plays a very important role as an indicator to help traders plan decisions. You can see the volume by currency and its market pair below.


Depending on the Bisq coins you choose to trade or payment method you use, the payment fees can change. Bisq has an option to easily buy and sell crypto while offering some of the most competitive fee, such as Maker: 0.002 * <amount of BTC being traded> * <square root of percentage distance from current market price> and Taker: 0.002 * <amount of BTC being traded>.

Deposit & Withdrawal

With a number crypto exchanges growing every day, Bisq try to keep with a competitive withdrawal fee to attract clients. Bisq fees vary based on the type of cryptocurrency that you can see clearly below.

Withdrawal Fee :

Payment Method

No matter how large or small, the process of buying and selling crypto requires you to fund an account using recognized payment method. When it comes to buying digital assets, Bisq clients can choose from a range of payment options, including National bank transfer, Cash Deposit, SEPA, SEPA Instant, MoneyBeam (N26), Zelle (formerly known as clearXchange), Chase QuickPay, Uphold, Popmoney, Revolut, Faster Payments, US Postal Money Order, Interac e-Transfer, Swish, Western Union, OKPay, Perfect Money, Alipay, Transfer with same bank and Transfer with specific b.

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