
Hist Step MA

Combining the wonders of Moving Average and Stochastic, Hist Step MA displays a diagram to visualize the ups and downs of the price trends as well as other functions of an advanced oscillator.

Hist Step MA

To download this indicator, follow the instruction as written below:

  1. Follow our Twitter account  
  2. Type your Twitter ID here
  3. Click this button

How to Install an additional indicator on the MetaTrader platform?

  1. Open the MetaTrader platform.
  2. Click on the "File", then choose "Open Data Folder".
  3. Locate the downloaded indicator in your File Explorer, and copy it.
  4. Go back to the MetaQuotes terminal.
  5. Open the "MQL4" folder, then select "Indicators"
  6. Paste the indicator file.
  7. Close the MetaTrader platform.
  8. Reopen the MetaTrader platform.
  9. Scroll through the "Navigator" section on the left side of the chart. In the "Indicators" category, look for the one with the name of the downloaded indicator.
  10. Drag and drop the indicator on the chart.
  11. Check "Allow DLL Imports".
  12. Click OK.
  13. Custom indicator is ready to use.