FBS celebrates its 14th anniversary by launching the Ultimate Trading Birthday promotion. Whether you are a new trader, FBS affiliate, or old client, everyone can join in this celebration.

Global CFD broker, FBS, celebrates its 14th anniversary by launching the FBS Ultimate Trading Birthday. Whether you are a new trader, FBS affiliate, scalper, or swing trader can join in this celebration.

This event is available in the Web Personal Area, FBS Personal Area App, or FBS Trader App. The promotion starts on February 9th up to March 9th to give all FBS customers plenty of time to win giveaways.



FBS Guaranteed Rewards

FBS Ultimate Trading Birthday is held to celebrate a community of over 27 million traders in over 150 countries. Participants must collect five trading tickets - one lot traded for a ticket. Therefore, the broker ensures guaranteed prizes to every customer participating in the event.

After collecting five tickets, Traders can choose from one of the prizes, including cash prizes, VIP analytics, or personal consultations with FBS financial analysts.



Sweepstakes Prizes for Winners

In addition to the prize guarantee, participants can get an opportunity to win the main giveaway in the lottery, the Mercedes-Benz CLA series, and other main prizes, such as the MacBook Air 13, iPad Pro 11, and various smartphones and laptops.

Don't miss your chance to win big prizes in FBS Ultimate Trading Anniversary. Draw winners will be randomly picked and announced on March 17th, 2023, at 13:00 GMT 2. Results will be published on the FBS website.