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How To Access Blocked Website?

Dwi Gatra

Nov 2 2019 03:52

How To Access Blocked Website. has been blocked in my country. 

Daniel Robson

Nov 4 2019 03:55

Hi Dwi,
You can use a VPN or private DNS from Cloudflare. There is a lot of tutorials on how to set them.

Dwi Gatra

Nov 5 2019 10:52

Is it dangerous to use a VPN? I have read on several websites, they said that VPN can inject virus on our hardware. Is it true?

Anya Watson

Nov 7 2019 01:57

If you doubt using a VPN service, another alternative is using DNS-OVER-HTTPS (DoH) method or private DNS for the mobile users. For the tutorial, you can find it on the Google.