FP Markets elevates CSR impact, sponsoring Cricket Brasil's youth development for education and community growth.

FP Markets

Australian forex broker FP Markets boosts its social impact by working with Cricket Brasil for a youth growth program.

The sponsorship aims to fund the education of project leaders through Cricket Brasil's University Scheme. It supports higher learning and teaches good values like respect, leadership, and community spirit.

It will help finish the Cricket Brasil indoor school and high-performance center in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais. It will also support local team members to grow cricket sports within communities.

Craig Allison, head of FP Markets, highlights the firm's promise to truly help people in life beyond just trade work. Working together is expected to give chances for young people in Brazil, helping Cricket Brasil grow and making the community more involved.

Matt Featherstone, leader of Cricket Brasil, agrees that these agreements have a big effect. He expects more young people to join the game and profit from school lessons in the future. Sergio Azevedo, the mayor of Poços de Caldas is proud that his town hosts Cricket Brasil. He points out something special where more kids in town play cricket than football.

Fara Gorsi from ICC says a good job to FP Markets and Cricket Brasil. They think their efforts will help make the sport of cricket better in this area.

This FP Markets news shows their promise to boost communities with learning, progress, variety, and green living. It lines up with what they believe in for making good changes.