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PAMM allows Asian traders to invest their funds with Money Managers who manage trades on their behalf. Money Managers earn a percentage of the profits. Many brokers with a significant Asian clientele, including HF Markets, InstaForex, and FXOpen, offer PAMM services.

Continue Reading at Top 5 Broker Tools for Asian Traders

Starting your brokerage can be appealing for several reasons. It provides a way to stay involved in the trading industry, potentially offers better income predictability, and allows you to use your market knowledge to create a broker that caters to traders' needs.

Continue Reading at What You Need to Know Before Starting Your Own Brokerage

There are several ways you can determine whether a broker is problematic or not. After all, there are some conditions that may not be the broker's fault. Here are the ways you can do:

  1. Determine the problem first. Is it really the broker's fault, or are there other factors involved?
  2. Make sure you have followed the rules. If you did, but still encounter issues, then it might be the broker that is the cause. 
  3. Ask the broker's customer support, with some proofs.
  4. Consult with other traders.

If it's proven that the broker is the root of the problem, take immediate action and look for another reliable broker.

Continue Reading at How to Deal with Problematic Brokers in 6 Easy Steps